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在中国的神话与传说中,龙的形象具有蛇身、蜥脚、鹰爪、 /您正在阅读的内容来自“李晨老师教英文”公众号/ 蛇尾、鹿角和鱼鳞。 in the chinese folklore, the dragon has a snake’s

中国龙一般被描述为长的(long)、有鳞的(scaled)、蛇形的(snake-like)生物,有四条腿,每条腿上有五个爪子(claw)。在中国民间传说和艺术(art)中,龙是吉祥力量(auspicious power)的强烈

zhong guo long yi ban bei miao shu wei chang de ( l o n g ) 、 you lin de ( s c a l e d ) 、 she xing de ( s n a k e - l i k e ) sheng wu , you si tiao tui , mei tiao tui shang you wu ge zhao zi ( c l a w ) 。 zai zhong guo min jian chuan shuo he yi shu ( a r t ) zhong , long shi ji xiang li liang ( a u s p i c i o u s p o w e r ) de qiang lie . . .

Chinese Dragons中国龙 Amongst the most impressive and awe inspiring creatures of the Chinese mythology is the Chinese Dragon.A symbiosis of divinity and

龙的英文介绍简短 The dragon is a mythical creature in Chinese culture, often depicted as a long, serpentine creature with scales, claws, and a long tail. It is co

很容易:the dragon's appearance

龙的英文介绍 中国传统 Chinesedragonculture outline Preface Theoriginofdragon Theimagineofdragon Dragonworship StoryoftheDragon Theartofdragoninlife Preface Fortho

Unicorn [ˈ Ju: n ᠬ K ɔ: n] [ju: n ᠬ K ɔ: n] [ju: n ᠬ K ɔ] n unicornsuni + corn →→ he is a model of a unicorn in wax, just like a unicorn has with a duck. There

译为中文: 描写;形容;说明;类型; dragon 音标: 英式[ˈdræɡən]美式[ˈdræɡən] 译为中文: 龙;悍妇;母夜叉;参考资料: 1.百度翻译:龙的描述 2.有道翻译:龙的

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《龙的外貌描写英文怎么写,形容恐龙的英语》